Holy Basil Baby! (ies)

Baby Tulsi (Holy Basil/Ocimum sanctum) plants!! #holybasil , sacred ancient herb mentioned in #ayurvedic texts dating back to 400 BCE. Considered one of India's most poweful herbs, this #adaptogen nourishes and promotes #longlife with its' properties as an #antioxidant #radioprotective #neuroprotective and #stressreducing medicine. It is believed to help maintain the #chakras with its' #sattvic (balancing and nourishing) energies. In addition, it is used to enhance cerebral circulation and #memory and treat #allergy symptoms from #mold . It loves Western Colorado sun and soil and I personally utilize a large portion of my garden space to grow it for use in an #adaptogenic #elixir . #coloradogrown #growyourownmedicine #protectionherbs #adaptogenesistherapies #handsinthedirt