Mamey Sapote!
#mameysapote , the fruit that is technically a berry. Originating in Central America and Mexico, this ornamental evergreen tree was cultivated by the #ancientmayans . It offers up a unique taste of a yam, almond and apricot combo as well as health and beauty #gifts such as #heart support and healthy #hair and #eyelashes ... the #vasodilator #potassium and #vitaminc and #vitamine help lower #bloodpressure and protect the heart from weakened blood vessels and #oxidativestress respectively. The mamey also improves #immune function and optimizes the #nervoussystem contributing to #moodstabalization with its complex blend of #nutients and powerful #antioxidants. They're super yummy in #smoothies and I find they blend really well with avocado, mango, papaya and ripe plantain. The #cayecaulker locals also tell me you can grate the seed and use it as rat poison 😯#eatinginbelize #adaptogeniclifestyle #foodasmedicine #canteditoutthefly