Shake Your Turkey Tail
Some people find their jackpot in Vegas. I find mine on a rotting conifer. This is what my jackpot looks like...the exquisite velvet waves and earth toned rainbow of Trametes versicolor. Turkey Tail mushroom, the renowned immune booster, symbolizes longevity, health, spiritual attunement and infinity in Asian cultures. • • • In TCM, Turkey Tail has been used for centuries to clear damp conditions, strengthen the lungs, spleen and stomach and increase energy. It also contains prebiotics which feed our gut microbiome, specifically acidophilus and bifidobacterium, making them wonderful allies for healing leaky gut syndrome. • • • #turkeytailmushroom #medicinalmushrooms #mushroomforaging #adaptogens #adaptogeniclifestyle #functionalnutrition #resilience #immuneboosting #prebiotic #gutmicrobiome #ancestrallifeways #tcm #trametesversicolor #nevadacity #california #redwoods #nofilter