More acorn and local food love

It’s important to stay healthy and get nutrient dense foods in these crazy times.
And I'm still geeking out on acorns!
Today I made basil, acorn, pumpkin and sunflower seed crusted nopales (prickly pear cactus) on a bed on local Miraflores organic greens with raw milk rancho fresco queso. There was some leftover crust mix so I added the rest of the egg, a little Carmenere wine and some baking powder to make a little savory fry cake for the side. Garnished with El Chorro limes and dried mango and Baja olives.
Nopales are known for their high mineral, vitamin, antioxidant and fiber content.
And as always, acorns are a free, wild complete protein. • • • #bajafresh #eatacorns #acorns#completeprotein #nopales #local #organic#functionalnutrition #wildfoodlove#foodsovereignty #foragedfood#nutrientdense #adaptogeniclifestyle#eatlocal #ancestraldiet #ancestrallifeways