Fire roasted root veggies
Root veggies in my new olla (traditional Mexican clay cookpot) all ready to be put in the coals to roast. I’d been wanting an olla and one of the things I love about Mexico is people still travel to the end of dirt roads to peddle their wares. The clay pot fellow came through the other day and I got my olla finally. • It’s been unseasonally cool the past few days, so it’s the perfect time to roast purple sweet potatoes, beets and carrots from one of the local organic farms with a little epazote harvested from the canyon. • Purple sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants, beets offer anti-inflammatory support as a unique source of betaine (helps protect cells, proteins and enzymes from environmental stress) and carrots are rich in beta-carotene for eyes, skin and immune system.
The epazote, an herb native to Central and South America, is rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. • #rootveggies #olla #traditionalmexicanceramic #functionalnutrition #bajaeats #organic #eatlocal #wildfood #epazote #foodsoveriegnty #antioxidants #adaptogeniclifestyle