Consistent acts of self-love

People ask me how I find time to juice most days. I see it as an investment. After a breast cancer scare a few years back, I made it part of daily ritual. It is my way of telling my body, “I love you and don’t want you to get sick.” 💚 . . Like most folks, my plate is full to overflowing, so I do have to access good time managment from my quiver. However, I would rather my plate be overflowing with antioxidants and phytonutrients than what happens when they don’t get these things. 🌱 . . This is not an act of indulgence, it is an exercise in longevity, vitality and self-preservation. And as the rest of Audre’s quote goes...”....and that is an act of political warfare.” me the juice to resist. ✊🏼👁💪🏼🔥 . . This juice art contains:
purple cabbage
fresh high CBD cannabis leaf
lambs quarters
whole lemon (the rind is where those goods are)
I always add healthy fats to my juice to make nutrients more easily absorbed.
MCT oil and avocado.
. . . #juicing #antioxidant #phytonutrients #flavonoids #functionalfood #functionalnutrition #dailyritual #healthiswealth #selfcare #loveyourtemple #loveyourliver #selfcareisaradicalact #audrelorde #wisewoman #revolutionary #resist #vitality